Install Ipod Theme

Welcome! Here you can learn how to install the ipod Touch theme into your 5/5.5 Generation ipod. Below are step-by-step instructions on installing the beautiful Touch theme! Scroll Down to see the Video or Written Tutorial. I strongly suggest viewing the written tutorial before or instead of the video because you need to reset the menu settings on your ipod first which i show you how.

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Installing Ipod theme Video

Installing Ipod Theme - Written Tutorial

Heres how to install your Touch theme:

First - Make sure that you have the Ipodwizard program. If you dont click here to download it.

Second - visit and download the Touch Project firmware (file) for your ipod. ( You can either get the 5 generation version or the 5.5 generation version. If you dont know what version ipod you own click here.

Third- Once you have downloaded and saved and Unziped the Touch Firmware, make sure that you saved it in a folder that you can find later.

Fourth: (IMPORTANT) You MUST first reset all the menu setting on your ipod. Go to Settings> Reset all in your ipod.

Fifth: Open up the Ipodwizard program and connect your ipod.

Sixth: Once Ipodwizard recognizes your ipod select the drop down [Ipod] And [Load Ipod Firmware]

Seventh: Once you loaded your ipods firmware select the drop down menu [Firmware File] Now select [Open Firmware] to the right of it.

Eigth: Find the Firmware file you downloaded for the Touch theme and select the TouchHack2.0.bin (.binary) file

Ninth: Now click [Write]

Tenth: (IMPORTANT) dont touch your ipod yet! You must first click [Eject]. This will restart your ipod.

Eleventh: Now when its done restarting wait for Ipodwizard to recognize your ipod again. Eject and you are done!
